Thursday, November 8, 2018

WP3 - Prep

Reflecting on my WP2 - I feel like my presentation was a success.
I enjoyed reading the comments, and suggestions. More often than not people loved everything about my presentation. They mentioned my voice project, body language, my breakdown of jargon, and how I seemed confident. My topic was a complex topic, and not easy to explain at all. So I wanted to make sure I did not lose the audience, when using a lot of scientific terms and explanations. Which from the looks of it was a success, because people said they did not know the terms I used initially, but liked my explanations.  Some people suggest that I dive deeper into my research and that it was a bit broad. While others argued that I should just touch the surface due to the time limit. A lot of people found that my research was an interesting topic and liked that I covered it. I do not see many changes I want to make to my project, but I know that as I dive deeper into things, I will naturally start to change and shift my project, but in a good way.

Research Question: How can we apply a gravity assisted trajectory to our current spacecraft that will allow us to conduct a flyby of planets on the outermost parts of our solar system?

Journal Articles:
  • Scheeres, D. J. "Orbital Mechanics about Small Bodies." Acta Astronautica, vol. 72, 2012, pp. 1-14. (Link)
  • Ferreira, Alessandra F. S., Prado, Antônio F. B. A, and Othon C. Winter. "A Numerical Mapping of Energy Gains in a Powered Swing-by Maneuver." Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 89, no. 2, 2017, pp. 791-818. (Link)
  • Sadler, D. H. "Satellite Orbits Astrodynamics (Orbit Determination, Space Navigation, Celestial Mechanics), Volume II. Samuel Herrick, 348 Pp., 6½ × 9¼ in., D. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Ltd., London, 1972. £11.50." The Journal of Navigation, vol. 25, no. 4, 1972, pp. 540-540. (Link)
  • Paul, SN, and C. Frueh. "Space-Object Charging and its Effect on Orbit Evolution." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, vol. 40, no. 12, 2017, pp. 3180-3198. (Link)
  • AZIMOV, DILMURAT, and ROBERT BISHOP. "New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications: Optimal Trajectories for Space Guidance." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1065, no. 1, 2005, pp. 189-209. (Link)
Professor Masataka Okutsu Articles:

Hey everyone, thank you for checking out and reading my blog. 
Image result for kisses gif

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Elevator Pitch - Acura Project

Me: How are you doing today Professor Okutsu?
Okutsu: Good, and you?
Me: Great! The other day I was reviewing you publication on "Mars Free Return Gravity Assist From Venus" and I was intrigued.
Okutsu: I am pleased to know you read my article
Me: Yes, it just so happens I am an Aerospace Engineer major, and first year student. And I know that your Ph.D. relates to my major.
Okutsu: Yes, it does.
Me: My name is Ptah-Raet Craig, and I have been looking into gravity assist trajectories and flyby missions. I would love if I could work under you in ACURA, if you needed someone with some knowledge of astrodynamics and has read your publications. I am the perfect person, here's my business card, I can email you my resume and course history.
Okutsu: Sure.
Me: Have a great day.
Okutsu: Same to you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

WP2 & Elevator Pitch

Did Not Meet Goals
Meet Goals
Surpassed Goals
Background, relates it to research

Analyze articles

Discuss the professor

Presentation is organized and shows effort, proper formatting

Elevator pitch
  • Effective
  • 90 seconds or less
  • Engaging
  • Introduction
  • Persuasive
  • Body language
  • "Sells product"

Genre is discussed

Length is between 5-7 mins



Pitch #1
  1. Prepare ahead of time
  2. Brief 
  3. To the point 
Pitch #2
This one was from a movie scene, it was a little bit long for an elevator pitch. It did not give much background or fully meet the requirements of a good elevator pitch.
Pitch #3
  1. Who you are
  2. Background
  3. Explain briefly 
  4. Connection 
  5. Ask
  6. Closeout
Image result for gif elevator
Thanks for tuning in ! Next time take the stairs. 

PB2B - Analyze 2 Scholarly Journal Articles

Journal #1 - Orbital Mechanics about Small Bodies
  • Scheeres, D. J. "Orbital Mechanics about Small Bodies." Acta Astronautica, vol. 72, 2012, pp. 1-14. (Link)
Journal #2 -
  • Paul, SN, and C. Frueh. "Space-Object Charging and its Effect on Orbit Evolution." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, vol. 40, no. 12, 2017, pp. 3180-3198. (Link)

Both of these articles are looking at small bodies and how they react to spacecraft. Small bodies being, asteroids, comets, etc. They both are trying to find a solution to predict how these bodies will react with the spacecraft. The problem being that they would want to avoid satellites or spacecraft getting hit by these objects. Journal 2 is different in the sense that they are looking at how these small bodies at the in different zones of Earth's magnetosphere, while Journal 1 is just looking at objects in general floating in space. Journal 2 looked at currents, plasa conditions, and simulations. While Journal 1 looked at actual spacecraft floating through space. Both articles imposed that small bodies in space are unpredictable and a solution needs to be put in place to prevent these small bodies from hitting important objects in space.
Both journals had relatively the same structure, opening with the abstract, then introduction. They both do some explaining of how they would measure these things, and then they include the results of the matter, and end with a conclusion, followed by the references. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

PB2A - Parts 3-5

Discipline - Astrodynamics

Possible Research Questions:

  • What are the different ways we can get spacecraft to travel through space?
  • Are the known methods of space travel efficient enough?
  • How does magnetic force effect the orbit of a satellite?
  1. Astrodynamics
  2. Gravity Assist
  3. Spacecraft Velocities
  4. Engineering
  5. Space
  6. Orbit
  7. Satellite
Journal Articles:
  • Scheeres, D. J. "Orbital Mechanics about Small Bodies." Acta Astronautica, vol. 72, 2012, pp. 1-14. (Link)
  • Ferreira, Alessandra F. S., Prado, Antônio F. B. A, and Othon C. Winter. "A Numerical Mapping of Energy Gains in a Powered Swing-by Maneuver." Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 89, no. 2, 2017, pp. 791-818. (Link)
  • Sadler, D. H. "Satellite Orbits Astrodynamics (Orbit Determination, Space Navigation, Celestial Mechanics), Volume II. Samuel Herrick, 348 Pp., 6½ × 9¼ in., D. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Ltd., London, 1972. £11.50." The Journal of Navigation, vol. 25, no. 4, 1972, pp. 540-540. (Link) 
  • Paul, SN, and C. Frueh. "Space-Object Charging and its Effect on Orbit Evolution." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, vol. 40, no. 12, 2017, pp. 3180-3198. (Link)
  • AZIMOV, DILMURAT, and ROBERT BISHOP. "New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications: Optimal Trajectories for Space Guidance." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1065, no. 1, 2005, pp. 189-209. (Link) 
Image result for astrology gif

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

PB2A - Part 1 & 2

Some disciplines that I interesting is Aerospace Engineering, Aeroacoustics, and Astrodynamics. After looking through Penn State Abington's professors, I found a professor that researches Aerospace Engineering, and Astrodynamics. Profesor Okutsu is currently interested in researching astrodynamics and gravity assist. He also designed a number of gravity assist trajectories for NASA's missions. And spent time researching human exploration of Mars.
For starters I find all of these topics equally interesting, due to my love for space and NASA. So picking just one to dedicate time and research in is not a easy pick. As a kid I've always been interested in space exploration, and the laws of gravity. But if I had to pick one I would love to do research in Astrodynamics, just because that is a topic I do not have prior knowledge of, and I love being exposed to new concepts in science. I think it would be a great opportunity for me to get an idea of the different aspects my major of Aerospace Engineering can cover. I would love to dive deeper into my major and personally, Astrodynamics could be the starting point for me. 
Image result for gif space

Thursday, September 6, 2018

WP1 - Proposal

Music > Hip-Hop > Album > Tracklist

Entertainment > Social Media > Videos > Gifs
Image result for obama gif Image result for trump gif

Apparel > Accessories > Hats > Dad Hats

Image result for dad hats Image result for dad hats

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

PB1B : Inspecting Genre Generators

Genre generators tend to find a common ground on a particular thing (e.g., movies, comics, music, etc.) And using these generators you can find the different conventions that each of these websites have when it comes to that genre. These websites can help someone better understand genre, because they can easily see correlation within one item. If someone is on a meme generator, they can see the genre as they flip through randomized memes. With that being said, here are some conventions within different generators.

First, we have Scigen

Research Paper #1
Research Paper #2
Research Paper #3

 Conventions :

  • Descriptive title, related to research discussed in the paper. 
  • Organized formating, subtitles were used, headers, and table of contents
  • Graphs and pictures were often included
  • Abstract, all papers had a clear opening on the what the paper would be about
  • Citations 
Looking at random science research papers, you can form an idea of what a paper should be. They all shared the same formation, same heading style, same table of contents, etc. This shows a clear understanding of the genre.

Next, there is Comic Strips

Conventions :

  • Speech/Thought bubbles
  • Cartoon drawings 
  • Colorful pictures
  • Black and white pictures
  • Humor
  • Boxes to show transitions
For comic strips, you can clearly see that they come in either black and white, or in color. They often include thought bubbles to show conversation, but there are times where there is no discussion. Comic strips also try to create some type of humor in their creations. There are boxes included to show when the scene transitions. 

Then, we have Memes



Conventions :

  • Bubble letters 
  • Picture as a background
  • Image relates to meme or shows expression 
  • Used for humor
  • Pictures have color to it
  • Captions within pictures are normally short and to the point
Memes are used for humor in most cases, it just includes a picture. Followed by a caption on the picture. It can be a question or a statement. The picture normally relates to what the caption will be about. 

Lastly, on hand picked by me, Anime Suggestions (I never even watched Anime so I felt like this would be an interesting pick) 

Anime #1 - Miss Monochrome: The Animation
Anime #3 - Sakura Quest
Anime #7 - Love Stage

Conventions :
  • All Anime has a picture at the top, including main characters
  • The title is in front of the pictures
  • Each show has a quick synopsis/description of the show
  • Genre of the show is listed 
  • Videos included at the bottom of each 
  • There is also a box in the corner that gives more information on each show
The website I found is an easy way for people to find different or new Anime shows to watch. This site gives a clear description of shows. It is easy to flip through options as you pick out which show is a right fit for you. Each show on the list had a common description set up. 

"That's all for today folks. Jim cut to a commercial in tired of typingImage result for fast typing gif

Thursday, August 30, 2018

PB1A - Instagram Ad Captions

Yo! Did you see what that last Instagram ad said? Nope, me neither. Is it a waste of time to even
put a caption under an ad on Instagram? Did you even notice it was an ad, because it blended so well
with the other post you see. Instagram ads look a lot like a regular post, this could be do to the fact
that each have a caption with it, giving you the impression that it’s a simple repost in your feed.
The textual grene I am choosing to analyze is Instagram Ad captions. What makes an Instagram ad…
an Instagram ad. I selected a handful of random ads that popped up on my home page. I am not focusing
on the ad itself, just the caption.

This caption is kind of lengthy for a caption. The caption speaks on how athletes work out. They are
targeting athletic people, most likely teens and young adults. Based off of the selected vocabulary. They
want more people going to ESPN+ which is why they state that you can only find “the secrets” at ESPN.
By only having this on their platform it creates a constraint because it implies to the audience that they
will not find it anywhere else.

Deer Park Ad

Quick, simple, to the point. Audience is anyone who likes either water, flavored water, or sparkling
water. The use of exigence is present when they end the caption with a question. The purpose behind this
caption is to remind people all the things Deer Park has to offer.
DoubleShot Ad

This is another really short caption. With a simple message behind it. They want people that feel like
they never have enough energy to drank their drink. The rhetor behind DoubleShot is from Starbucks
campaign, promoting a specific item. This ad appeared at night time, possibly targeting people who are
drained and tired by that time.

PetArmor Ad

Short caption, with the use of ethos in the ad. They mention qualified medicine to be used on the
animals you love most. There is also the use of hashtags in this post. The audience are pet lovers, and
people who want to protect their animals. They introduce a problem (fleas) and with the use of rhetoric
discourse, they offer to help fix it.

Reebok Classics Ad

Another simple caption, with the use of hashtags. They mention school, thus the intended audience
would be student. They use hashtags as a trendy reminder to go with a classic style. Which promotes the
Reebok Classic brand itself.

An Instagram ad can feature and thing from advice to “cute” hashtags, and trends. What makes it a
perfect caption, is the simplicity. This gives you the comfort to read it. If you saw a 200 word paragraph
at the end of every ad, it would more likely be avoided then read. By them keeping things short and
simply, it almost encourages you to read the caption. Some captions (not featured in my post) even had promo codes in their captions, to get people to check out their products.
Thanks for tuning into my blog, don't forget to subscribe and comment!
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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Class Discussion - Annotating

After reading Peter Elbow "Teaching Thinking by Teaching Writing" I want to categorize my annotation.

  • I have highlighted words, words that I was unfamiliar with or did not have a clear definition of: inimical, shrewd, syntax, nonlinguistic .
  • Next, I have highlights of new facts: e.g., first thinking, second thinking
  • Then, there are highlights of Peter's realizations: e.g., when he mentions why it is important to teach two kinds of think; his recommend practices for critical thinking, and so on
Compared to my peers
  • Keymah did her annotations based of what she agreed or disagreed with in the reading. She underlined and circled
  • Razie used underling, and looked for new information and new words
I realize that when you annotate a reading it helps you make a clear understanding of what is happening. This also gets the reading to stick, with that you can easily remember what you read in a later discussion. Annotating is fairly new to me, I did not practice it a lot in high school. But it is beneficial when I do. 


Hi, my name is Ptah-Raet Craig. I normally go by Raet or Ry. My name is comes from the name of Egyptian gods. This is not my first blog, but is my first post on this blog. I am just testing the waters, and getting an easy A on my homework with this post. This summer I spent my time as a lifeguard at a city pool, located just two blocks away from my house. This is my second year being a lifeguard, and I love it! I am majoring in Aerospace Engineering. I've always loved airplanes. I once piloted an airplane, during an introductory flight for pilots; It was my 16th birthday gift. I enjoying modeling, going to movies, and hanging out with friends on my free time. I love being social, so if you know me well be sure to add me on social media and subscribe to my blog.