Thursday, August 23, 2018

Class Discussion - Annotating

After reading Peter Elbow "Teaching Thinking by Teaching Writing" I want to categorize my annotation.

  • I have highlighted words, words that I was unfamiliar with or did not have a clear definition of: inimical, shrewd, syntax, nonlinguistic .
  • Next, I have highlights of new facts: e.g., first thinking, second thinking
  • Then, there are highlights of Peter's realizations: e.g., when he mentions why it is important to teach two kinds of think; his recommend practices for critical thinking, and so on
Compared to my peers
  • Keymah did her annotations based of what she agreed or disagreed with in the reading. She underlined and circled
  • Razie used underling, and looked for new information and new words
I realize that when you annotate a reading it helps you make a clear understanding of what is happening. This also gets the reading to stick, with that you can easily remember what you read in a later discussion. Annotating is fairly new to me, I did not practice it a lot in high school. But it is beneficial when I do. 

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