Thursday, August 30, 2018

PB1A - Instagram Ad Captions

Yo! Did you see what that last Instagram ad said? Nope, me neither. Is it a waste of time to even
put a caption under an ad on Instagram? Did you even notice it was an ad, because it blended so well
with the other post you see. Instagram ads look a lot like a regular post, this could be do to the fact
that each have a caption with it, giving you the impression that it’s a simple repost in your feed.
The textual grene I am choosing to analyze is Instagram Ad captions. What makes an Instagram ad…
an Instagram ad. I selected a handful of random ads that popped up on my home page. I am not focusing
on the ad itself, just the caption.

This caption is kind of lengthy for a caption. The caption speaks on how athletes work out. They are
targeting athletic people, most likely teens and young adults. Based off of the selected vocabulary. They
want more people going to ESPN+ which is why they state that you can only find “the secrets” at ESPN.
By only having this on their platform it creates a constraint because it implies to the audience that they
will not find it anywhere else.

Deer Park Ad

Quick, simple, to the point. Audience is anyone who likes either water, flavored water, or sparkling
water. The use of exigence is present when they end the caption with a question. The purpose behind this
caption is to remind people all the things Deer Park has to offer.
DoubleShot Ad

This is another really short caption. With a simple message behind it. They want people that feel like
they never have enough energy to drank their drink. The rhetor behind DoubleShot is from Starbucks
campaign, promoting a specific item. This ad appeared at night time, possibly targeting people who are
drained and tired by that time.

PetArmor Ad

Short caption, with the use of ethos in the ad. They mention qualified medicine to be used on the
animals you love most. There is also the use of hashtags in this post. The audience are pet lovers, and
people who want to protect their animals. They introduce a problem (fleas) and with the use of rhetoric
discourse, they offer to help fix it.

Reebok Classics Ad

Another simple caption, with the use of hashtags. They mention school, thus the intended audience
would be student. They use hashtags as a trendy reminder to go with a classic style. Which promotes the
Reebok Classic brand itself.

An Instagram ad can feature and thing from advice to “cute” hashtags, and trends. What makes it a
perfect caption, is the simplicity. This gives you the comfort to read it. If you saw a 200 word paragraph
at the end of every ad, it would more likely be avoided then read. By them keeping things short and
simply, it almost encourages you to read the caption. Some captions (not featured in my post) even had promo codes in their captions, to get people to check out their products.
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  1. I love how you tried to dissect the captions and why you thought they captioned their ad the way they did. It is interesting how someones more likely to read or notice an ad if the caption is short, and might skip a longer one. And as a guilty charge, I agree that I am more likely to read the ad and check it out if there is a promo/discount code. I like how you set it up: instead of saying what you believed they should have, you showed and explained what successful advertisements had.

  2. First off, I'd like to point out how useful it was for me that you put several different types of examples. Using advertisements with different topics helped me to understand the point you were trying to get at. In addition, it helped me to define exactly what the 'audience' means or the 'exigence' and 'constraints' of each individual advertisement. I really like the way you presented the assignment in terms of writing. The language you used in each sentence is easy for everyone to read and understand the purpose of why you published it.
