Tuesday, October 16, 2018

WP2 & Elevator Pitch

Did Not Meet Goals
Meet Goals
Surpassed Goals
Background, relates it to research

Analyze articles

Discuss the professor

Presentation is organized and shows effort, proper formatting

Elevator pitch
  • Effective
  • 90 seconds or less
  • Engaging
  • Introduction
  • Persuasive
  • Body language
  • "Sells product"

Genre is discussed

Length is between 5-7 mins



Pitch #1
  1. Prepare ahead of time
  2. Brief 
  3. To the point 
Pitch #2
This one was from a movie scene, it was a little bit long for an elevator pitch. It did not give much background or fully meet the requirements of a good elevator pitch.
Pitch #3
  1. Who you are
  2. Background
  3. Explain briefly 
  4. Connection 
  5. Ask
  6. Closeout
Image result for gif elevator
Thanks for tuning in ! Next time take the stairs. 

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